home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //• SpriteFlipNMask.c
- //• Copyright (c) 1996 by Stefan C. Sinclair
- //• All Rights Reserved Worldwide
- //• Flips the PICTs & then creates the Mask PICTs
- #include <EPPC.h>
- #include <GestaltEqu.h>
- #include <AppleEvents.h>
- #include <Movies.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <Sound.h>
- #include <Dialogs.h>
- #define kGestaltMask 1L
- #define kErrorAlertID 128
- #define kMinTextPosition 0
- #define kMaxTextPosition 32767
- #define kFirstLifePICT 128
- #define kNumLifePICT 43
- #define kFirstProjectilePICT 214
- #define kNumProjectilePICT 2
- #define kFirstDeathPICT 218
- #define kNumDeathPICT 10
- #define kRideChairPICT 238
- #define kSitChairPICT 240
- #define kMaskOffset 200
- void InitToolbox(void);
- void AEInstallHandlers(void);
- pascal OSErr DoOpenApp( AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon);
- pascal OSErr DoOpenDoc( AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon);
- pascal OSErr DoPrintDoc( AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon);
- pascal OSErr DoQuitApp( AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon);
- OSErr CheckForRequiredParams( AppleEvent *event);
- void AEInit(void);
- void MoviesInit( void );
- void Open_A_Movie( void );
- void Close_A_Movie( void );
- void DoError (char desc[255], short OScode, short myRef, Boolean fatal);
- void pStrCopy (StringPtr p1, StringPtr p2);
- pascal Boolean SpriteGuyFileFilter(fileParam *thePB );
- void Handle_One_Event( void );
- Boolean All_Done = FALSE;
- EventRecord The_Event;
- main()
- {
- InitToolbox();
- MoviesInit();
- AEInit();
- while ( All_Done == false )
- Handle_One_Event();
- DoError("Ha! No errors! Apparently, it worked.", 0, 0, FALSE);
- return 0;
- }
- void Handle_One_Event( void )
- {
- WindowPtr which_window;
- long movie_related_event;
- WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &The_Event, 0, nil);
- switch (The_Event.what)
- {
- case keyDown:
- case autoKey:
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- break;
- case mouseDown:
- Open_A_Movie();
- break;
- case kHighLevelEvent:
- AEProcessAppleEvent(&The_Event);
- break;
- }
- }
- void InitToolbox()
- {
- InitGraf((Ptr) &qd.thePort);
- InitFonts();
- InitWindows();
- InitMenus();
- FlushEvents(everyEvent,0);
- TEInit();
- InitDialogs(0L);
- InitCursor();
- }
- void MoviesInit( void )
- {
- OSErr error;
- long result;
- error = Gestalt( gestaltQuickTime, &result );
- if ( error != noErr )
- DoError("Sorry, but you need QuickTime™ installed for this program to work.",0,0,TRUE);
- error = EnterMovies();
- if ( error != noErr )
- DoError("Sorry, but you need QuickTime™ installed for this program to work.",0,0,TRUE);
- }
- void AEInit( void)
- {
- OSErr err;
- long feature;
- err = Gestalt(gestaltAppleEventsAttr, &feature);
- if(err != noErr)
- DoError("Error returned by gestalt!",0,0, true);
- if(!(feature & (kGestaltMask << gestaltAppleEventsPresent)))
- DoError("Apple Events not supported!",0,0, true);
- AEInstallHandlers();
- }
- void AEInstallHandlers(void)
- {
- OSErr err;
- /* install the required apple event handlers */
- AEEventHandlerUPP OPENae, QUITae, STARTae, PRINTae;
- /* must use these for PPC proc pointers */
- OPENae = NewAEEventHandlerProc ((ProcPtr) &DoOpenDoc);
- QUITae = NewAEEventHandlerProc ((ProcPtr) &DoQuitApp);
- STARTae = NewAEEventHandlerProc ((ProcPtr) &DoOpenApp);
- PRINTae = NewAEEventHandlerProc ((ProcPtr) &DoPrintDoc);
- err = AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication,STARTae, 0L, false);
- if(err != noErr)
- DoError("Error installing 'open app' handler!",0,0, true);
- err = err = AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, OPENae, 0L, false);
- if(err != noErr)
- DoError("Error installing 'open doc' handler!",0,0, true);
- err = err = AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass, kAEPrintDocuments, PRINTae, 0L, false);
- if(err != noErr)
- DoError("Error installing 'print doc' handler!",0,0, true);
- err = err = AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, QUITae, 0L, false);
- if(err != noErr)
- DoError("Error installing 'quit app' handler!",0,0, true);
- }
- pascal OSErr DoOpenApp( AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon)
- {
- Open_A_Movie();
- return noErr;
- }
- pascal OSErr DoOpenDoc( AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon)
- {
- OSErr err;
- FSSpec fileSpec;
- long i, numDocs;
- DescType returnedType;
- AEKeyword keywd;
- Size actualSize;
- AEDescList docList = {typeNull, nil}; // Get the direct parameter-a descriptor list-and put into docList
- err = AEGetParamDesc(event, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList);
- err = CheckForRequiredParams( event); // Check for missing required parameters
- if(err)
- {
- err = AEDisposeDesc( &docList);
- return err;
- }
- err = AECountItems( &docList, &numDocs); // Count #of descriptor records in the list
- if(err) // Should be at least 1 since we got called & no error.
- {
- err = AEDisposeDesc( &docList);
- return err;
- }
- // Now get each descriptor record, coerce data to an FSSpec record, & open the file
- //for( i = 1; i <= numDocs; i++)
- //{
- err = AEGetNthPtr( &docList, 1, typeFSS, &keywd, &returnedType, (Ptr)&fileSpec, sizeof(fileSpec), &actualSize);
- Open_A_Movie();
- //}
- err = AEDisposeDesc( &docList);
- return err;
- }
- OSErr CheckForRequiredParams( AppleEvent *appleEventPtr)
- {
- DescType returnedType;
- Size actualSize;
- OSErr err;
- err = AEGetAttributePtr( appleEventPtr, keyMissedKeywordAttr, typeWildCard, &returnedType, nil, 0, &actualSize);
- //• Looks for specified attribute, returns attribute status as an error
- if( err == errAEDescNotFound)
- return noErr;
- else if( err == noErr)
- return errAEParamMissed;
- else
- return err;
- }
- pascal OSErr DoPrintDoc( AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon)
- {
- return noErr;
- }
- pascal OSErr DoQuitApp( AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon)
- {
- All_Done = true;
- return noErr;
- }
- void Open_A_Movie( void )
- {
- SFTypeList type_list = { MovieFileType,'MYqt', 0, 0 };
- StandardFileReply the_reply;
- Str255 movie_name;
- Boolean was_changed;
- FileFilterUPP myFileFilter;
- short curResRefNum, i, j, k, x, y;
- Rect r128, rWind, rPICT;
- CWindowPtr aWindow;
- OSErr err;
- BitMap bmp;
- PicHandle spritePICT, flipPICT, maskPICT, flipMaskPICT;
- Rect r;
- RGBColor c, b = {0,0,0}, w = {65535, 65535, 65535};
- myFileFilter = NewFileFilterProc(SpriteGuyFileFilter);
- StandardGetFilePreview( myFileFilter, -1/*numTypes*/, type_list, &the_reply );
- if( the_reply.sfGood != true )
- ExitToShell();
- else
- {
- curResRefNum = HOpenResFile(the_reply.sfFile.vRefNum,
- the_reply.sfFile.parID,the_reply.sfFile.name,
- fsRdWrPerm);
- err = ((ResError()!=noErr) || (curResRefNum < 0));
- if (err != noErr)
- DoError("Error opening resource fork!",err,0,TRUE);
- else
- {
- r128.top = r128.left = 0;
- r128.bottom = r128.right = 128;
- rWind.top = rWind.left = 60;
- rWind.bottom = 220;
- rWind.right = 400;
- rPICT.top = 0; rPICT.left = 130;
- rPICT.right = rPICT.left + 128;
- rPICT.bottom = 128;
- aWindow = (CWindowPtr)NewCWindow(nil, &rWind, "\pFlip 'n Mask",
- TRUE, documentProc, (WindowPtr)-1L, TRUE, 0);
- SetPort((GrafPtr)aWindow);
- ShowWindow((WindowPtr)aWindow);
- ValidRect(&aWindow->portRect);
- UseResFile(curResRefNum);
- ForeColor(blackColor);
- BackColor(whiteColor);
- for(i=kFirstLifePICT; i<(kFirstLifePICT+kNumLifePICT); i++)
- {
- ClipRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- spritePICT = (PicHandle)Get1Resource('PICT', i);
- if(spritePICT == NULL)
- DoError("File is missing a PICT resource!",i,0,TRUE);
- HLock((Handle)spritePICT);
- DrawPicture(spritePICT, &r128);
- // flip it
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipPICT, 'PICT', (i+kNumLifePICT), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- // mask the original
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- if(c.red == w.red && c.blue == w.blue && c.green == w.green)
- ;
- else
- SetCPixel(j, k, &b); // not white, so make it black
- }
- }
- maskPICT = OpenPicture(&r128);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &r128, &r128, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)maskPICT, 'PICT', (i+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- // flip the mask now
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipMaskPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT, 'PICT', (i+kNumLifePICT+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- // dispose of all PICTs
- ReleaseResource((Handle)spritePICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- }
- for(i=kFirstProjectilePICT; i<(kFirstProjectilePICT+kNumProjectilePICT); i++)
- {
- ClipRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- spritePICT = (PicHandle)Get1Resource('PICT', i);
- if(spritePICT == NULL)
- DoError("File is missing a PICT resource!",i,0,TRUE);
- HLock((Handle)spritePICT);
- DrawPicture(spritePICT, &r128);
- // flip it
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipPICT, 'PICT', (i+kNumProjectilePICT), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- // mask the original
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- if(c.red == w.red && c.blue == w.blue && c.green == w.green)
- ;
- else
- SetCPixel(j, k, &b); // not white, so make it black
- }
- }
- maskPICT = OpenPicture(&r128);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &r128, &r128, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)maskPICT, 'PICT', (i+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- // flip the mask now
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipMaskPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT, 'PICT', (i+kNumProjectilePICT+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- // dispose of all PICTs
- ReleaseResource((Handle)spritePICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- }
- for(i=kFirstDeathPICT; i<(kFirstDeathPICT+kNumDeathPICT); i++)
- {
- ClipRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- spritePICT = (PicHandle)Get1Resource('PICT', i);
- if(spritePICT == NULL)
- DoError("File is missing a PICT resource!",i,0,TRUE);
- HLock((Handle)spritePICT);
- DrawPicture(spritePICT, &r128);
- // flip it
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipPICT, 'PICT', (i+kNumDeathPICT), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- // mask the original
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- if(c.red == w.red && c.blue == w.blue && c.green == w.green)
- ;
- else
- SetCPixel(j, k, &b); // not white, so make it black
- }
- }
- maskPICT = OpenPicture(&r128);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &r128, &r128, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)maskPICT, 'PICT', (i+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- // flip the mask now
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipMaskPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT, 'PICT', (i+kNumDeathPICT+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- // dispose of all PICTs
- ReleaseResource((Handle)spritePICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- }
- for(i=kRideChairPICT; i<(kRideChairPICT+1); i++)
- {
- ClipRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- spritePICT = (PicHandle)Get1Resource('PICT', i);
- if(spritePICT == NULL)
- DoError("File is missing a PICT resource!",i,0,TRUE);
- HLock((Handle)spritePICT);
- DrawPicture(spritePICT, &r128);
- // flip it
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipPICT, 'PICT', (i+1), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- // mask the original
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- if(c.red == w.red && c.blue == w.blue && c.green == w.green)
- ;
- else
- SetCPixel(j, k, &b); // not white, so make it black
- }
- }
- maskPICT = OpenPicture(&r128);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &r128, &r128, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)maskPICT, 'PICT', (i+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- // flip the mask now
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipMaskPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT, 'PICT', (i+1+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- // dispose of all PICTs
- ReleaseResource((Handle)spritePICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- }
- for(i=kSitChairPICT; i<(kSitChairPICT+1); i++)
- {
- ClipRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- spritePICT = (PicHandle)Get1Resource('PICT', i);
- if(spritePICT == NULL)
- DoError("File is missing a PICT resource!",i,0,TRUE);
- HLock((Handle)spritePICT);
- DrawPicture(spritePICT, &r128);
- // flip it
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipPICT, 'PICT', (i+1), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- // mask the original
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- if(c.red == w.red && c.blue == w.blue && c.green == w.green)
- ;
- else
- SetCPixel(j, k, &b); // not white, so make it black
- }
- }
- maskPICT = OpenPicture(&r128);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &r128, &r128, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)maskPICT, 'PICT', (i+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- // flip the mask now
- for(j=0; j<128; j++)
- {
- for(k=0; k<128; k++)
- {
- GetCPixel(j, k, &c);
- x = rPICT.right - j;
- SetCPixel(x, k, &c);
- }
- }
- flipMaskPICT = OpenPicture(&rPICT);
- CopyBits(&qd.thePort->portBits,&qd.thePort->portBits,
- &rPICT, &rPICT, srcOr, nil);
- ClosePicture();
- AddResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT, 'PICT', (i+1+kMaskOffset), "\p");
- if(ResError())
- {
- DoError("ResError!",i,ResError(),TRUE);
- }
- WriteResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- // dispose of all PICTs
- ReleaseResource((Handle)spritePICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)maskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipMaskPICT);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)flipPICT);
- EraseRect(&qd.thePort->portRect);
- }
- CloseResFile(curResRefNum);
- All_Done = TRUE;
- }
- }
- All_Done = TRUE;
- }
- //************************************************************************
- void DoError (char desc[255], short OScode, short myRef, Boolean fatal)
- {
- /* A fatal error has occurred - report it and quit */
- short go;
- Str63 a, b;
- c2pstr(desc);
- NumToString (OScode, a);
- NumToString (myRef, b);
- ParamText ((StringPtr)desc, a, b, NULL);
- NoteAlert(kErrorAlertID,NULL);
- if(fatal)
- ExitToShell();
- }
- /* This filters out (discards) non-sprite files. It will also let QuickTime movie
- files slip by - no reason why, I just did it that way! */
- pascal Boolean SpriteGuyFileFilter(fileParam *thePB )
- {
- if (thePB->ioFlFndrInfo.fdType=='Ned2')
- return(FALSE); /* SF2K2 file, keep it in the list */
- else if ( thePB->ioFlFndrInfo.fdType == MovieFileType )
- return(FALSE); /* movie file, keep it in the list */
- else
- return(TRUE); /* Nope, filter it from the list */
- }